Design is a tool that has the power to transform our reality. It can make our world a better or a worst place, it's all up to us, and how we use it!

↓ I can tell you more

About me

(I'm still evolving and discovering who am I, but here some things I already figured out on the way...)

I discovered quite young that art and the creative field was something for me, I was so curious about everything and I always loved to draw. I started my career as designer in 2008, working and evolving through industrial design, visual, editorial, fintech startups, and agencies like DDB Prague and R/GA.

I decided not to be a generalist, but a specialist on something, since design field is so vast. I enjoy reading books about psychology, try to understand people's minds and behaviors, so I decided to focus my career on user experience, user interface, and user psychology. One of the things I love the most about the product design career is that I am always learning something new, always.

I'm creator, editor, and writer at - a place where Brazilian designers share their experiences and experiences with the community. I write articles and speak about design and psychology. I like to transform chaos into order (or, if you prefer, transform complexity into simplicity).

Besides design, I am also a post-rock musician and street photographer.
You can explore my side-projects here.

ux event
Coletivo UX Meetup
design sprint
Service Design sprint
design sprint
Service Design sprint
IED lecture
ISA Redux - speaker
  • “Odair is a great UX and design professional. I had the opportunity to work with him on some very important projects and his contribution was essential for their success. A studious and deep knower of the subject, he always collaborated and added value in the team.”
    Fabricio Costa
    CEO / Equals fintech
  • “Odair has a strong view on the concept of UX and user-centered approach, always bringing great insights about our role and responsibilities as Designers.”
    Andrei Gurgel
    Toptal / UXLab
  • “Odair has a feeling for user experience projects and graphical interfaces that I admire as well as being deeply curious about the areas focused on human behavior and interactions. In a side project, ColetivoUx, I can see how passionate he is about the subject and how much I can trust his experience.”
    Flavio Santana
    Product Designer  / Volkswagen Lisbon 

🧠  Passionate about Psychology

To be an effective designer, we need to learn how our mind works, that’s one of the reasons why I’m an avid reader of psychology and philosophy books (also personal taste). Design it's all about people, and psychology too. Understand user's minds, behaviors, mental models and cognitive biases are vital in order to create a persuasive, emotional, and engaging experience.

♟ Ux Strategist

The most exciting part of being an Experience Designer is solving problems and being in constant learning. Understand human behaviors, systems, available technology, and business goals in order to match those with real user needs is a process that I enjoy. In order to go from A to B (or from chaos to order) we need a clear strategy and design principles to support our design decisions along the way.

🦄  Product Designer

During a long time in my career, I was the unicorn in the company, being responsible for all the UX, UI, and visual design responsibilities. This helped me learn about all the different stages inside a product development, and made my experience vast (T shaped). I can contribute across all the process, from initial conceptual states until final UI and deliverables.

/ Client experience

• McDonald's
• Volkswagen
• Makro
• Verizon
• Sanofi
• Samsung
• Bradesco
• Porsche
• SESC São Paulo

/ Main skills

• User Experience
• User Interface
• UX strategy
• Usability evaluation
• Information architecture
• UX writing,
• Wireframing
• Prototyping
• Design Workshops
• Html & Css
• (Yes, I use Figma)

/ Speaker at

• Interaction South America | 2018
• World Interaction Day IxDA | 2018
• ISA Redux IED SP | 2018
• UX Sessions | 2018
• DDB Labs | 2019

Community contributions

coletivo ux
A place where Brazilian UX community share their knowledge and experiences
Explore Coletivo UX
medium ux articles
I write articles and speak about ux, psychology, and my experiences in the industry
Explore articles
odair faleco

Side projects

Besides my passion for ux and tech, I also produce works on street photography, music, video, visual arts and more - I'm a curious creative.


Recently I published my first book called Chaos & Order. You can look inside the book here

Experiments with AI

Arcgetype AI
Experimental design studio created to play with AI in different media and formats
Explore projects
AI Music Video
Music video for the band The New Horizons created just using new AI techonologies
Watch the video
Bauhaus Today
What if Bauhaus Design School was still alive to design modern products of our era?
Explore products

👋 Say hello

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