Equals App
Equals is a B2B brazilian fintech that empower companies to deal with equality and transparency with the financial institutions and banks.
Equals - Smart Financial Management
B2B fintech
Transform complexity into productivity
Equals is a B2B fintech leader in the management and reconciliation of sales with credit cards. To better understand what they do we created an expaliner video.

The problem
The challenge on this project was transform the complexity of the Credit Card Market into a clean and intuitive mobile app for smart management. A little bit more about the problem:
Different credit card acquires in different places
Each business generally works with different credit card acquires (machines) like Stone, Cielo, Rede, GetNet and others.
Different types of sales on each acquires
In each acquire, the business have different types of sales like Debit, Credit, Share payment and others.
Different taxes in each sale (%)
The business also have a contract that set the ammount of taxes that will be taken on each transaction, creating a very complex enviroment for control and manage all those transactions and contracts with all acquires.
The process
• Competitor Analysis
• Customer Research (on field and remote)
• Personas + User Canvas + Surveys
• Analysis of available current features
• Consolidate results -
• Define the official name
• Information Architecture
• Definition of Features with DEVs
• Definition of MVP
• Specification for Initial Development
• Wireframe Sketches
• Internal / externa feedback -
• Low and High fidelity prototypes
• Internal usability testing + feedback
• External usability test + feedback
• Adjustments based on feedbacks
• Kick-Off Meeting with DEVs
• Export assets and documentation
• Development of a Alpha version (v.0) for internal tests
• Feedback from Sellers (street)
• Adjustments based on feedbacks
• Beta Development (v.1) for external tests
• Test with real clients -
• Design + Development final version
• Creation of FAQ
• Product Page
• Promotional material
• Support Training
• Creation of an article for Press
• Publish on App Stores

User survey
One of the first things we did was an online survey to map and understand the main user problems, frustrations, needs and desires. We also phone some clients to have feedback and ask questions to go more deep.
The final result
After doing a lot of sketches, experiments and testing with our low fidelity prototype we start to design the final interface to discuss and aprove with the team and stakeholders.

The resume of the main views and information avalilable on the whole app: sales, cash income, cashflow, average ticked, taxes and more.
Complete view of the sales with credit card in all acquires in the same place. Also filter to see sales per Acquirer (Stone, Cielo) - Product (credit, debit) - Flag (visa, mastercard) - Shares (1x, 2x,) number of transactions and more.
Incomes agenda and Cashflow
Here the user is able to see how much the Acquirers and Banks will deposit on his account - with this calendar the financial management becomes much more easy to admin.
Taxes and Economy Simulator
On this section we created an original feature that simulates how much the business can save by making transactions in the lowest taxes from the best acquirers.
Other events
This tab shows other events on credit card transactions like Cancelations, Chargebacks and more.

Financial management made in a simple and easy way
With this application the business owner can manage all their sales, from all acquireres and banks, in just one place, and also receive push notifications when some important event happens. Equals clients gived us a lot of positive feedback about the new app.
Team: Odair Faléco, Thiago Rocha, Jessica Itami, Rafael Batista, Anderson Martins, Marcelo Nunes, Nathan Hegedus, Breno Henrique and +
Dashboard with holistic view of transactions

User onboarding